The Great Divide – John 16: 3

They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me.

Do you know the Father? Do you know Jesus? How does knowing God affect your thinking? What Jesus says in this verse puts a finger on what might be called, “The Great Divide.” The Great Divide is the gulf between how people who know God see the world and how those who do not know God see the world.

Those who know the Father know that there is more to life than this world. They also know that there will be an accounting for what we do and say and believe in this life. Knowing this affects the decisions we make, the things we do and what we say.

Those who do not know the Father only know this world. There is nothing beyond this life. They have no hope, and more importantly, they have no sense of eternal accountability. Such people are bound only by what they think is best. God’s will for them is not part of their thinking.

If you find the world frightening, it is because of people who have no fear of the eternal consequences of what they do and say. If some people ignore the law, it is because they decide for themselves what is best. Those who do not know the Father or Jesus act very differently than those who do.

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