Comfort – John 16: 7b

Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.

Jesus is offering the disciples reassurance that they will not be left alone. What a glorious reality! Two thousand years later we enjoy the same assurance from Jesus that he gave to his disciples: “I will send him to you.”

Jesus calls the Holy Spirit, “Advocate” in this translation. His name is also translated “Comforter” or “Intercessor.” We can read the book of Acts to learn more about this amazing aspect of God. Right now, Jesus is referring to something the disciples do not understand.

Isn’t it wonderful to realize that the Advocate that comes to us now, this year, this day, is the same Advocate that Jesus was telling his disciples about?

Food for thought: How does having the Advocate affect your life?

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