Proof – John 16: 8

When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment…

In this statement, Jesus points to three very important concepts: sin, righteousness, and judgment. Over the next three days, we will look at each one so today let us look at the overarching theme. The Holy Spirit will “prove the world to be in the wrong…”

How do you prove something? Who is convinced by your proof? People argue all the time hoping to prove they are in the right. As much as people argue it seems to me that they are mostly just making noise. Proof is only as good as it seems to the mind of the person you are trying to convince.

How then does the Spirit prove the world to be wrong?

Jesus doesn’t say that the Spirit convinces the world that they are wrong. So who is the recipient of this proof? Isn’t it you and I? If we accept that God’s Spirit is the Spirit of Truth then opposing claims are lies. Since God’s Spirit is real, we can be certain that the conviction about a wrong is from God. He Himself is the evidence. He Himself is the proof.

Food for thought: When was the last time someone was able to “prove” something to you? What was it that convinced you to change your mind?

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