About Sin – John 16: 9

…about sin, because people do not believe in me…

Sin is the first of the three proofs that the Holy Spirit provides to those who accept Him. In yesterdays’ post, “Proof,” we looked at the nature of proof and who accepts it. In this case, Jesus refers to the evidence given to those who accept the testimony of the Holy Spirit. This testimony is itself, the proof that Jesus spoke about.

In today’s verse, the question is about sin. How does the fact that people do not believe in Jesus prove them wrong about sin? This begs the question, what does the world believe about sin that is wrong?

Have you ever heard anyone say that people are “basically good?” Does the Spirit confirm this or prove it wrong?

How about the idea that we can be “good enough?” Does the Spirit confirm that or prove it wrong?

Is being “basically good” going to be “good enough” when we meet our Maker? If we ignore our sin will God also ignore it? Will people who believe in themselves rather than Jesus be able to convince God that they are really okay?

Food for thought: If the world can ignore sin and ignore Jesus, what else is the world capable of?

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