About Righteousness – John 16: 10

… about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer …

The world doesn’t understand sin because it doesn’t know God. To the world, “sin” is anything that the world doesn’t like, not what God doesn’t like. Today we look at righteousness. How does Jesus going to the Father prove the world wrong about righteousness?

In Jesus’ day, the concept of righteousness was closely tied to the Mosaic laws. Outward obedience to the laws meant that you were being righteous. Jesus was hated by the Jewish leaders. He cared more about inward righteousness than he did the outward righteousness practiced by the Jews.

Jesus proves them wrong about righteousness because he will be with God the Father while those who were “righteous” on the outside but unrighteous inside are not. The Holy Spirit attests to this truth.

Food for thought: If someone doesn’t believe a proof, does that mean the proof is not a proof?

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