How much can you bear? – John 16: 12

I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.

Jesus’ last night on earth is a mixed bag. On the one hand, he is able to celebrate Passover with his disciples. On the other…

On the other hand, he is going to have to prepare them for his departure and for the time between his death and the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Then he is going to be up all night asking his Father if there is some other way. After that, in the waning hours of the night, he will be confronted by the traitor, Judas, and the cadre of militia that accompany him to take Jesus into custody. Allowing himself to be led away Jesus is hauled before the High Priest and his mock trial begins. He will find no rest until he gives up his spirit on the cross.

All this is more than any of us could bear to know if it were happening to us, yet Jesus knows what is going to happen. The disciples have spent three years with Jesus. Now they begin an even more amazing adventure; life living for Jesus. Their entire world is about to be turned upside down. Yes, this is more than they can bear to hear now.

In time, they adapt and adjust. With the help of the Holy Spirit, they will remember. They will start to understand. Soon the work of spreading the Good News will commence. The Gospels will be written. In God’s time, they will bear what Jesus wants them to hear and to know. The same is true for us.

Food for thought: Have you found yourself able to bear more than you thought you ever could? Has God’s Holy Spirit helped you through these times?

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