Guide – John 16: 13a

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.

Do you ever wonder if there is a “truth” that everyone can agree on? God’s view is that it doesn’t matter what you or I think is true if it doesn’t agree with what He knows to be true.

God is in a unique position. He created the universe and everything in it. That alone is pretty amazing. He set into work the original atoms which are the same today as they were when they were created. He laid the foundations of existence by putting in place the laws of physics that hold the universe together. The universe is incredibly complicated yet uniquely simple in how it operates.

From God’s point of view, there is no question about how things work. He knows. From His point of view, there is no question about how things are supposed to function. He made us to be a certain way. We can claim that reality and truth are what we want them to be, but in the end, God’s truth is the one that remains.

Since the world allows for all kinds of truth claims, it is confusing sorting out what is true from what is not true. What a blessing that God offers us His Spirit of truth. How awesome that we have a personal guide to lead us through the jungle and show us what our Creator intended.

With the Holy Spirit as our guide, life is no longer a confusing jungle but rather an exciting adventure of discovery. The Spirit leads us from truth to truth, opening our minds to understanding and our hearts to the love of our Creator.

Food for thought: Do you find yourself hanging on to the world’s truths, or have you learned to “let go and let God” show you His truth?

4 Replies to “Guide – John 16: 13a”

  1. I try to always be on the side of God’s truth.

    For me the hard part is figuring out how to fit together the theories of science and philosophy with interpretation of scripture. Some truth claims are easy recognize and we need to be firm in our belief, but many are debated both internally and externally. Scientists debate theories as do philosophers and theologians.

  2. Nathan,
    Interesting comment! The thing about theories is that they are just that; theories. They are not facts. God knows the facts, all of them, and that sets Him apart. It is not the facts that conflict with Scripture but man’s ideas about the facts that conflict with man’s ideas about Scripture.

  3. Man can make theories sound right but, when built on the wrong foundation, their houses will most definitely and completely shatter and crumble. Jesus is the Rock, THE Way, THE Truth and the Life. All other foundations are sure to fail.

    1. Thank you, JEC! I appreciate the civil analysis of variable foundation strengths. There truly is only one foundation that will last for eternity.

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