Flower Power – John 16: 13c

…and he will tell you what is yet to come.

One of the advantages of gently strolling through the garden of John’s words is the ability to stop and examine a flower like today’s passage. Jesus is telling the disciples that they will receive a special spirit from God, the Spirit of truth. This Spirit, Jesus says, will guide his followers into all the truth. He also assures us that the Spirit of truth does not add to or take away from God’s word.

Besides to all this, the Spirit of truth will “tell you what is yet to come.” What do you suppose that means? Is this an inside track to the horse races? Is this a sure-fire way to beat the stock market? No?? Then what?

As with the proofs about sin, righteousness, and judgment, the Spirit of truth is not interested in worldly concerns or desires. He desires only what God desires. He speaks only what he hears from God. “What is to come” could refer to a lot of things, but one thing they would all have in common is that they are spiritual matters not worldly.

Food for thought: What kinds of “things to come” do you want to hear from the Spirit?

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One Reply to “Flower Power – John 16: 13c”

  1. Well, I do think He has given us signs of His coming and return to rule. Some of these are things we have communicated to us through His disciples in the Holy Spirit inspired Scriptures. I find it encouraging that through the Holy Spirit and through His word, Jesus still spoke to His disciples and speaks to us.

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