It’s About Time! – John 16: 25

Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father.

It must have been frustrating to be a disciple. Jesus spoke “figuratively” a lot. Trying to decode what he meant is challenging enough today. And we have the written record of Jesus’ life and words. As a disciple, all of this figurative stuff was being thrown at them real-time. Who could blame them if when Jesus said he was going to speak plainly they thought, “It’s about time!”

Has that time come when Jesus speaks plainly about his Father?

I would like to suggest that it has. Over the past few days, we have learned about the connection between the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We know that when we hear the Spirit speak, we are hearing Jesus’ words. We know that Jesus speaks only what the Father wants him to speak and that he glorifies the Father. As a believer who has received the Holy Spirit, we are in direct connection with the best possible source of information about the Father; Jesus.

Food for thought: What better way is there to learn about God than through a direct connection with His Spirit?

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2 Replies to “It’s About Time! – John 16: 25”

  1. There is probably no better way as it is God’s way. Good devotion again today brother

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