All Packed- John 16: 28

| came from the Father and entered the world; now I am leaving the world and going back to the Father.

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know that several posts are talking about the fact that Jesus isn’t from around here. He does things that no other human being has ever done or will ever do, and he talks like he is from another place, too. Now we know where.

“I came from the Father…” is a simple statement, yet packed with interesting topics. Where is the Father? Who is the Father? Why does he call him “the Father” instead of my Father?

I remember Jesus trying to explain to Nicodemus that the Son of Man is the only one to have come from Heaven. Then Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that “God is spirit….” (John 4: 24)

Jesus came from being what he calls “spirit,” and became what we know as “flesh.” Now he is telling the disciples that he is going back to the place of spirit again. In essence, he is all packed and ready to go.

Food for thought: Which do you suppose seemed more real to Jesus; being in the spirit form or being in the flesh?

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3 Replies to “All Packed- John 16: 28”

  1. Interesting question, I don’t really know which he preferred… he chose to become a man in order to redeem what he created. So in that sense I would say he preferred becoming a man.

  2. I think they were both equally real to Him. I think that why He retains both a glorified body and of course spirit.

  3. Rich & Nathan,
    Thank you both for your thoughts on this. My sense is that the spiritual reality was / is “more” real for the simple reason that part of Jesus is eternal and all knowing. Yet being in the “flesh” brought with it all of the constraints of the physical reality which has its own kind of intensity about it. I can see it both ways.

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