Jail Time – John 17: 2a

For you granted him authority over all people…

What does it mean to have authority? Does it mean that nobody ever talks back to you? Does it mean that everyone always does what you tell them? Does having authority give you total control.

Well … no. Actually, it doesn’t. At least not all the time.

If you go before a judge and the judge tells you to be quiet but you keep mouthing off… you might end up in jail. But you still got to say what you wanted to say. So while the judge has the authority to toss you in the slammer, you still can say what you want if you don’t mind a little jail time.

So it is with Jesus. Jesus is the judge. (John 5: 27) God has given him authority over all people. Yet people still retain the right to raise their fist and their voice against God while they are here on earth. It is when they are called to judgment before God’s throne that we will find out how the man with all of the authority deals with them.

Food for Thought: Everyone has some measure of authority. It may be small or it may be large, but we all have some. What do you learn from Jesus about exercising authority?

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2 Replies to “Jail Time – John 17: 2a”

  1. He submitted His authority to the will of the Father. That is always a good idea.

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