And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.
As we listen in to Jesus talking with his Father, we learn some amazing things. We have talked about what glory means to Jesus and God. We have discussed the fact that the way Jesus talks makes it sound like he is from someplace besides earth. We have watched the Pharisees react in anger as Jesus tells them, “Before Abraham, I am.” (John 8: 58) Now we are witness to Jesus stating flatly that he existed before the world began.
I find these words mind-bending. Once again Jesus speaks as if being human is not the important thing. Much more important, to hear Jesus talk, is simply being. And more important than that is being with the Father.
So what then is the flesh? What is this body we live in? Is this anything more than a temporary dwelling? Both the Apostles Paul and Peter refer to our bodies as a “tent.” (2 Corinthians 5: 1, 4; 2 Peter 1: 13) The body is a kind of covering, Paul writes, that is destined to be destroyed. God will provide a new covering when we are in heaven with Him.
Like our earthbound bodies, the earth itself is temporary. Jesus exists before the earth is made, and exists long after the earth as we know it today is gone.
Before the world began Jesus existed. After the world is gone Jesus will still exist. Isn’t it nice to know someone who will be around after everything else is gone?
Food for Thought: Jesus knows what it will be like after his body dies because he has already been there before he had a body. How does Jesus knowing about both places; spiritual and temporal, affect how you think about death?
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It is encouraging to know that God Himself showed that we can trust in His promises.
Nicely put. God cares. He wants us to know him better. The better we know him the more we trust him.