Out of the World – John 17: 6a

I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world.

I love reading through John’s gospel and looking closely at what Jesus says. What does he mean when he says he has “revealed” God to those he has been given? Who is he referring to? Is he talking about the eleven disciples or all the people who came to believe in him? When Jesus says that they have been given “out of the world,” what does that mean?

The language Jesus uses is telling. Who talks like this besides someone who is from another place?

How has Jesus revealed God? Since he and the Father are one, all who have seen Jesus have seen God. Jesus also revealed truth about God, and God’s power over the physical world, and his ability to heal those in need.

What does he mean by suggesting the disciples and possibly others were given “out of the world?” Without Jesus, the world must have seemed spiritually barren. Before John the Baptist it had been four hundred years since the last prophet has spoken God’s word. The “world” encompassed everything people do. To be taken out of the world could simply mean that through Jesus people have been reunited with God. They no longer belong to the world.

Food for thought: What do you think? How did Jesus reveal God? Whom did God give to Jesus? What does he mean by being “out of the world?”

2 Replies to “Out of the World – John 17: 6a”

  1. I think that Jesus reveals God because He is God in human flesh. We can look at Jesus to see the character of the Father (John 1: 18; Hebrews 1: 1 – 3; John 14: 6 – 9). I think when He calls us out of the world it means that we are going from belonging to one master (Satan) to another (Christ Jesus).

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