Affirmation – John 17: 13

I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.

Perhaps you have been wondering why Jesus would be praying like he is at this time? We have been told that it was not uncommon for Jesus to go off by himself to pray. Why this prayer here and now? Why pray where his disciples can hear him?

Todays’ verse gives us the answers to these questions. Jesus wants his disciples to hear him tell his Father about them. Is this a reasonable thing to do? It is if you are Jesus and you are more concerned about how your disciples feel that you are your own feelings.

Where you ever in a situation where someone was bragging on you to someone else that you cared about? When you were a child, did a teacher ever say something nice about your work in school to your parents when you were listening? Have you ever worked for someone who stood up for you or praised you in front of his boss or manager? How does that feel?

Of course, it feels great! Who doesn’t like being praised in front of someone more important? And who is more important than God Himself?

Jesus is pleased with his disciples. They have accepted Him as God and stayed the course. They have been faithful and loyal to the end. Because of them, Jesus is filled with joy! Affirming this aloud to the Father is Jesus way of showing his disciples how pleased he is with them.

Food For Thought: Is there someone in your life who deserves affirmation? How do you show that to them?

5 Replies to “Affirmation – John 17: 13”

  1. The students at VBS last week, they did a great job learning verses and listening well to the Bible story.

  2. I think we all need affirmation. Thus, in some respects everyone around me could use affirmation and encouragement. This is one reason we are told to encourage one another in the body of Christ.

  3. Rich,
    I can affirm from personal experience that you are one who excels at encouraging others and affirming their growth in Christ. Well done! 🙂

  4. Paul in Galatians 1:24 NIV shared an interesting observation concerning this when he said they praised God because of me. He did not say they praised me but my labors brought praise to God.

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