Personal Message – John 17: 20a

My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message…

As Jesus continues his prayer to his Father, he reveals more and more about himself and his mission on earth. He wants to glorify the Father and make sure that you and I have eternal life. We learn that he is from the Father and is returning to the Father. Jesus also plainly admits that he existed before the world began (vs 5).

Jesus and God are one. How many times has he told us that in this gospel? A lot! Since he is one with God and existed before the world began, he very likely knows the end of the world as well. He knows that others will follow in the footsteps of his own disciples. Many, many others. In fact, he knows about you and me. I believe he knew about you and me when he walked on earth 2,000 years ago. He knows about us all.

In today’s verse, he prays specifically for you and me. We are among those who believe in Jesus through their message, the message of the early disciples. Jesus knew you would believe. Jesus knows who you are.

Because of his love for us, he sends us a message across two thousand years. He says, in effect, “I am praying for you, too!”

Food for Thought: Does knowing that Jesus knows you personally, and knew about you two thousand years ago affect how you think about him?

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3 Replies to “Personal Message – John 17: 20a”

  1. Yes, that He is a personal God who knows me and loves me and demonstrated that love on a cross is mind-blowing and life changing. He still lives to intercede for us in prayer as our High Priest (Hebrews 7: 25).

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