The Plan – John 17: 25b-26

…and they [Jesus’ disciples] know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.

Jesus is talking to his Father about his disciples. He reports that he has made the Father known to the disciples and then he says something very interesting. Even though he knows that his death is imminent he says that he, “… will continue to make [the Father] known…”

Jesus has a plan. It became necessary when sin entered creation. It was formulated by the Father and the Son. It involved sacrifice and redemption. But it doesn’t end there. Jesus plans on continuing his work of making the Father known to people.


In John 16: 7b Jesus tells us that when he leaves he will send the Advocate. (See “Comfort”) This Advocate will convey Jesus’ message to people. (See “Jesus Calling” John 16: 14) Jesus tells us that he will be communicating directly to people through his Holy Spirit.


Why is Jesus doing this? In the rest of today’s verse, he explains. Jesus wants the love that God has for His own Son to extend to all that will accept Jesus as God’s son. Through his Holy Spirit, Jesus himself will be in those who accept him.

Jesus reconciles us to God and fills us with God’s love by filling us with himself.

Food for Thought: If you know the Lord, what would life be like without Him? If you don’t know the Lord, how would being filled with God’s love change your life?

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4 Replies to “The Plan – John 17: 25b-26”

  1. Not knowing the Lord Would create a sense of hopelessness a lack of true purpose and meaning.
    I have a friend that has struggled greatly seeking fulfillment in life. He’s tried many beliefs and currently is going to try some Hinduism. He’s lost a marriage, gained a destructive addiction …you’ve heard these scenarios before. Praying for him to try the Fulfillment of Knowing the Lord.

  2. I have no idea where I would be without Christ in my life. His grace, mercy, forgiveness, the relationship with Him – all keep my going and keep me sane. I am already sometimes a mess with Him in my life, can’t imagine what it would be like without Him.

  3. It would change everything. It is the major belief/reality/relationship that is the hinge point of all my life.

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