The Test – John 18: 36

Jesus said, ‘’My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”

The test of a threat for a man in Pilate’s position is whether or not the accused is inclined to fight. A man who is inclined to fight whether by physical force or political intrigue is a threat. People so inclined are generally aggressive, prideful, arrogant people. Sometimes they are boastful. Other times they might be deceitful, guarded, evasive. Jesus was none of these things. He did not meet the test of being a threat to Pilate or anyone else.

Pilate’s first question to Jesus after he had summoned him into the palace was, “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus responded by asking his own questions. He was unimpressed by the fact that Pilate was standing in judgment over him. They exchange a few more words, and then Pilate asks, “What is it you have done?”

In response, Jesus answers the first question and says, ‘’My kingdom is not of this world.”

That is an interesting response, but certainly not a threat. But what does he mean? Pilate must have at least understood that Jesus meant he had no ambitions of power here on earth. Going back to the Test, there is still the question of Jesus’ disciples. Do they agree with their master on this point?

Jesus answers Pilate’s unspoken question saying that if his kingdom were of this world, his servants would, “fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders.” In a sense, Jesus invites Pilate to look closely at him. Is he struggling? Is he resisting? Is he making threats? No. None of that. Jesus and Pilate might be conversing over tea out on the veranda for all the concern Jesus shows over his future.

In this short exchange, Jesus answers Pilate’s question, passes the test, and opens the door to a kingdom not of this world.

Application: If we choose to model our lives after Jesus, we choose to focus on the same kingdom he was focused on. The things of this world do not matter because His kingdom is not of this world.

Food for Thought: If you were to stand before Pilate would he consider you a threat? Why or why not?

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