Power – John 19: 9b-11a

…but Jesus gave him no answer.  “Do you refuse to speak to me?” Pilate said. “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?”
Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.”

Pilate is starting to wonder about who Jesus is and what he is. When asked where he comes from, Jesus simply does not answer.

Pilate is not used to being ignored. As governor in a world where life is cheap, he is used to people being afraid of him. When he asks a question he always gets an answer. But not today. Today, standing before Jesus, Pilate’s question is ignored.

John’s picture of Pilate is sketchy, but we still have quite a bit of information.

Pilate is a man who holds a high official position with the Roman government.

The chief priests and the crowd that brought Jesus came early in the morning. (Had Pilate even had his coffee yet?)

Immediately the Jews start making demands of Pilate. He doesn’t like that and he doesn’t agree with them.

Emotions are running high on both sides. Pilate is afraid.

Then Pilate finds out that Jesus might be the Son of God. Now Pilate is more afraid.

Nothing seems normal on this most unusual day. The supposed criminal is acting like the adult in the room, and the supposed adults outside are acting like criminals. Finally, Pilate lashes out in frustration, “Don’t you realize I have the power either to free you or to crucify you?”

Jesus’ answer fits in well with this most unusual day. He says, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.”

Application: In the midst of pressure from the crowds, abuse by the soldiers, incredible pain from the wounds on his body and Pilate’s questioning, Jesus gives a brilliantly rational statement of fact. Power comes from God above. Even the power to crucify his own Son. We would do well to remember that at home, at work, and in the public square. Life is better when we see it the way God sees it.

Food for Thought: Jesus tells Pilate that the power he has over himself comes from God. What were the extents of this power? Did Pilate have the power to choose not to crucify Jesus?

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2 Replies to “Power – John 19: 9b-11a”

  1. Good question and good devotion. I believe that while Pilate did have the power to make a choice, God knew what that choice would be and used what man meant for evil to provide the sacrifice we needed on the cross. Jesus was to die in our place for our sin. Pilate’s power was on a leash that extended as far as God allowed. And in God’s grace and mercy He allowed it to extend to the cross. I find it interesting that the cross is both immensely ugly and profoundly beautiful at the same time.

  2. Hi Rich! Thank you for sharing your take on this. I really like your observation that the cross is both ugly and beautiful. That is an important point!

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