Loved Ones – John 19: 25

Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.

Jesus knows what he is doing. He understands everything that is happening to him and why it has to happen. He has known what was going to happen and told his disciples many times what would happen.

Jesus also understood that regardless of how often he told them what would happen, they still would not understand.

Neither would his mother.

Jesus was deeply loved by the women in his life. His mother was chosen by God to be the one who gave birth to the Son of God. That is amazingly special.

Then there is Mary, the one who had been possessed by seven demons before she met Jesus.

Jesus knows what he is doing and why, but no one else does. What God sees as a victory, the women in Jesus’ life see as defeat.

Application: The same thing is true today. God knows why each thing happens, and he knows what the end of the story is. Sometimes we cannot understand why things go wrong, but like Jesus, we need to trust God.

Food for Thought: What would Jesus have said to his mother if he could have taken her aside and talked with her before they nailed him to the cross?

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2 Replies to “Loved Ones – John 19: 25”

  1. I have no idea. But there is a good chance that He did. He told His disciples what was going to happen, but initially they did not understand. He may have told Mary more than what we have in Scripture, but if so, did she understand? As the song says, “Mary did you know?”

  2. Mary, Jesus mother, is mentioned in Luke 2 as pondering, marveling, and keeping sayings in her heart about the prophesy about her firstborn and the works that he was doing. She obviously was quite attentive as to what she heard and saw…as was Mary Magdalene, who anointed His feet in preparation for the burial. No one wants to see a loved one suffer, so I’m not so sure how much or little these two Marys understood.

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