One More Thing… John 19: 30

When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

In verse 28 John writes that Jesus knew “everything had now been finished.” In fact, there was still one more thing to do. John then writes that Jesus said, “I am thirsty” to fulfill scripture. When that is done, and Jesus has received the bitter wine, he then says, “It is finished.”

That “one more thing” was important to prove that God refuses to leave an opening for someone to cast doubt on Jesus’ divinity. No one is going to find a scripture about Jesus that was not fulfilled during his time on earth. (Not counting the prophecies related to the Second Coming, of course.)

This is another example of the exquisite detail God lavishes on His creation. He missed nothing. No detail is too small. God is aware of everything all the time.

Application: If Jesus is mindful of God’s plan even in the last seconds of his life on earth, shouldn’t we be as well?

Food for Thought: Do you think some things happen on earth that God is not aware of? If so, what kind of things would they be?

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