What To Do – John 19: 38a

Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus…

John does not tell us much about Joseph of Arimathea. For more information on him, we have to go to the other gospels*. Mathew tells us that Joseph was a rich man. Mark mentions that he was a member of high standing in the Council. Luke adds that he was a “good and upright man.’ He also notes that Joseph had not consented to the Council’s decision. John tells us that along with all these other things, Joseph of Arimathea was also a disciple of Jesus.

What does a disciple do when the one you call the Teacher is put to death?

It is hard for me to imagine what that day must have been like. Joseph must have considered Jesus a very important man. Perhaps he even understood that Jesus was the Son of God. Did he also understand that Jesus’ death was necessary?

Regardless of how he felt, when he learned that Jesus was dead he acted. Throwing caution to the wind, he presented himself to Pilate and asked for the body. Pilate may have been sympathetic. He had tried to free Jesus but failed. At least he could see that Jesus got a decent burial. He grants permission for Joseph to claim the body.

Application: Joseph demonstrates both courage and faith. It required both to ask Pilate for the body. It was God’s will that Jesus should be buried and so his request was granted. It is a good example for us. Both to stay in God’s will and to exercise courage and faith.

Food of Thought: Why was what Joseph did important?

*Matthew 27: 57, Mark 15: 4, Luke 23: 50-51

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2 Replies to “What To Do – John 19: 38a”

  1. For one it fulfilled the prophecy of being buried in a rich man’s grave (Isaiah 53). For another, it let people know He was really dead and His body was in a known location being guarded by soldiers, setting up the triumphant victory of the resurrection. It was also a kind and respectful act toward Jesus – which is also an example to all of us.

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