In Between – John 20: 0

Sometimes to fully understand something you have to “read between the lines.” Today our mediation bus stops between two passages; John 19: 42 and John 20: 1. In between these to verses is a whole day, the Sabbath.

This particular Sabbath was special (John 19: 31). Even so, it was a Sabbath. There were rules to be followed as the sun set on Friday. No fires were to be lit and no food was to be cooked. No work was to be done. It was a day of stillness. A day of waiting.

As we wait to begin the next part of the story, let’s take a day and experience a brief Sabbath’s rest. A break between two passages. A day between two days.

What were the disciples thinking? Had they made it to someplace safe for the day? Had they gathered together already? Were some caught outside of the city gates? Where did they spend their Sabbath?

Some, perhaps, were with friends and family. Maybe some of the disciples were alone. All were quiet for the day. I wonder if it seemed to them as if the whole world had come to a stop.

Application: As we contemplate this day between the two most important days in history, think about the aftermath of Good Friday. John does not talk about it but it is reported that there were earthquakes, the sky darkened, and the temple curtain tore in two. It is also reported that the dead were raised to life. Now, on this Sabbath, all is quiet again.

Food for Thought: If you had been there that day that Jesus was crucified, where would your thoughts be the next day, a day when all you could do is to sit and think?

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2 Replies to “In Between – John 20: 0”

  1. The disciples were dejected and scared. It would appear that the women were deeply hurt. The religious leaders were likely satisfied. Pilate thought the whole ordeal was finally settled. All of that was about to change. It is the calm before the storm.

  2. Thank you, Rich. I like your take on this. I think you are right about Pilate. He probably did think the whole thing was done. If that is the case, he couldn’t have been more wrong!

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