Message – John 20: 17b

Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘’I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”

A few minutes before meeting Jesus, Mary was wondering where he had gone. Now he is back, and he is telling Mary that he wants her to do something. Something important.

Go to the brothers with a message.

The message is that Jesus is going to his Father.

Oh, and by the way, he is your Father, too.

Jesus is going to his God which happens to be your God, too.

Jesus is going away, but not far.

Application: Like Mary, we have a job to do. While we are on earth, we have to carry a message to the world.

Food for Thought: Why did Jesus make such a point of saying his Father and God are the same as our Father and God?

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One Reply to “Message – John 20: 17b”

  1. The words of Jesus’ prayer in John 17 are still lingering in the air. It may be that this unity and relationship that has now been opened through the work of the cross is a prayer Jesus sees as being answered and a goal that He deeply desires.

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