Inside of Me – John 20: 29

Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Who has seen Jesus? All the people who saw Jesus in the flesh have passed on. For the last two thousand years, all that people have had to go on is the story told to them by those who saw Jesus in person.

Or is it?

Is there something else that gives us reason to believe?

Pastor Rich can offer up dozens if not hundreds of reasons why we can and should believe in Jesus. I admire his command of history and scripture. My understanding of such things pales in comparison. Even so, I believe. Why?

Application: My own experience is simple. Jesus lives inside of me. I can’t ”see” him in the same way that the disciples did but I can ”see” him in me. Jesus gives those who believe in him his Holy Spirit. Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit are one. In my personal experience, I live with Jesus every day.

Food for Thought: How are we who have not seen Jesus blessed when we believe?

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One Reply to “Inside of Me – John 20: 29”

  1. Knowing Him and sensing His presence every day is a great blessing. The assurance of salvation through Him is a comfort. The blessings are many and tremendous (Ephesians 1: 3- 14).

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