Signs (III) – John 20: 30

Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book.

Isn’t this an intriguing passage? John bluntly tells us that his gospel is but a brief peek into the world of following Jesus. How much more did the disciples see? Fortunately, we have other accounts of Jesus’ life in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. They offer more details about the things that Jesus said and did.

Imagine what life was like tagging along with God’s Son. The crowds wanting to be healed. The words that he spoke. The anger, frustration, and hate in the eyes of the Jewish leaders. Then imagine walking with Jesus every day. Watching him work. Listening to him teach. Seeing him heal all who came to him. What was that like?

It is important to let Jesus be Jesus. The danger in the written word is that we might worship the word instead of our God. The risk is that we limit our God to what we have read instead of letting him into our lives today.

Application: Allow time and place for God to enter into your life. Invite Him into your world and listen to Him all day, every day. Let go of what Jesus did two thousand years ago and embrace what he is doing today.

Food for Thought: What kind of signs does Jesus perform today?

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2 Replies to “Signs (III) – John 20: 30”

  1. I know when I text or email someone, I often feel like I’m missing the nonverbal if of what they say. Is their face happy or questioning? What’s the time in their voice. I feel the same way about the Bible sometimes. I don’t want to be missing part of the story.

  2. Well, I believe miracles still happen today. But Perhaps His greatest sign is in what He accomplishes in a human heart. He has worked in mine and I trust He still is.

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