Neon Welcome – John 21: 4

Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.

Back in the post titled, “Reunion Movie,” we explored what the scene might have looked like when Mary failed to recognize Jesus. In this passage, we find that something similar has happened. This time it is the disciples who do not recognize Jesus. Why?

The answer to “Why?” is that we don’t really know. John doesn’t tell us why. He only says that they did not recognize him. Still, it is not hard to imagine why.

Recognition is based on being able to discern enough detail so that our minds can “connect the dots” between what we know what we are looking for and what our eyes are actually seeing. Distance diminishes the detail. Perhaps the morning sun was glaring off of the water.

Application: Jesus doesn’t always show up in our lives with a neon sign that says, “I’m here!” Instead, he often comes quietly and unexpectedly. Be ready!

Food for Thought: What helps us to be more ready to recognize Jesus when he comes?

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5 Replies to “Neon Welcome – John 21: 4”

  1. I think it helps to be looking to Him all of the time. If we know Him well now and live our lives in expectation of seeing Him again, that certainly cannot hurt our preparedness for when we do see Him.

    1. Thank you, Rich!
      So true! It is like trying to find someone in a crowd. If we think about the person and remember what they look like, we have a much better chance of spotting them.

    1. Thank you, JEC!
      Great advice!! We are more receptive to the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit when we are in prayer and in the Word. The more the better.

  2. Amen. Prayer and Bible reading,study and memorization are indeed basics that help us to focus on Jesus as a daily walk with Him.

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