Close Proximity – John 21: 7

Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, “It is the Lord,” he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water.

In chapter 14 of his gospel Matthew tells the story of Jesus walking across the Sea of Galilee just before dawn. The wind was against the boat and strong. The waves were threatening. The sky must have been clear because there was enough light for them to see Jesus as he approached them. Peter, in his excitement at seeing Jesus walk on the water says, “… tell me to come to you on the water.”

Jesus, probably smiling to himself, says, “Come.” So Peter steps out of the boat and … walks on water! The experiment does not last very long. After a few steps, Peter takes his eyes off of Jesus and instead focuses on the waves and the water. At that moment, when his focus changed, he started to sink.

I am thinking of this because once again Jesus is outside the boat that Peter is in. This time Peter simply jumps in. The text goes on to say that they were not far from shore so maybe Peter was able to wade to the shore from where the boat was. Instead of walking on the water he walks through the water, something he knows he can do.

Application: Being close to Jesus can have a powerful effect on a person. Peter was inspired to walk on water and jump into it, whatever would get him close to his Savior. Being close to Jesus is a very good thing.

Food for Thought: What does it say about the other disciples that they stayed with the boat?

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6 Replies to “Close Proximity – John 21: 7”

  1. I am not sure. We can assume they did not care as much as Peter. But maybe they realized Peter was hurting after having denied the Lord three times. Maybe they were giving him alone time with Jesus they felt he needed. It is likely that they discussed all that.

    I would like to give the disciples the benefit of the doubt. After all, they were all willing to die for Jesus to proclaim the gospel. I would hope to achieve a portion of what they did. So I will give them the benefit of the doubt.

  2. Rich,
    I agree with you in giving them the benefit of the doubt. There are different ways of caring. Some people wear their passions on their sleeve like Peter. Others, like John, are quieter, but no less passionate.

  3. I got a lot out of your insights on this Rich. It’s hard to know for certain, but the possible circumstances you paint seem like an entirely likely scenario (well I’m sure the context you set is true – not sure if it’s the reason why). I also think of people like Brandon Gates, and even my younger self, who just have a spotinaety about them that’s hard to follow. It’s like that moment is somehow seized by them and is theirs, not that others can’t follow, but it can create it’s own kind of dynamic. I can think of many times where I wanted to respond a certain way, but someone else reacted similarly first, and it’s like somehow that “first” part was a part of what would have made it genuine for me. At other times this can encourage me to take that same action. Anyhow, not that this is important, it just made me think. Sometimes why people do things can often be so far off from the things in our heads that we might judge them by, and our own context can prove completely irrelevant to their circumstances and the way in which they are wired. Anyhow, I don’t think this means we can’t know anything through such observation and speculation and the practice and be useful. I just know that I have to be careful of my own prejudices and lack of understanding. I also don’t think Jeff is trying to entice anything to the contrary. I’m just speaking from where this conversation point has led my own thinking.

  4. Thank you NMOP3PISdn. It is great to have you back on with us. I appreciate your comments. I also don’t think Jeff is enticing us into anything – he simply gave us a good question to engage the passage. I appreciate the personal approach you took to this question. It is making me think too.

  5. NMOP3PISdn,
    Nice to hear from you again! You write that the post “made you think.” If that is the result of your visit, then I am very happy.

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