Two Minds – John 21: 12

Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” None of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord.

I find this verse fascinating. John reports that the disciples wanted to ask the man on the beach, “Who are you?” He suggests that they were all afraid to ask because they knew it was Jesus. As odd as this sounds, I can relate to it.

Every once in a while I find myself in a situation where I “know” what the right thing to do is, yet at the same time I question it. It is as if my mind is made up of two different people. One part wants to do what is right, the other part, well, it wants to do what it wants to do.

The disciples have already seen Jesus twice at this point. John does not say that this is the last time they saw him. This is the third time. They are eighty miles north of Jerusalem where Jesus was killed. That is a four to six-day walk, so some time has passed since they last saw Jesus.

Even though these men have all seen the risen Jesus, they are still wrestling with the fact that he had been crucified. Since then, everything had changed. Before the crucifixion, Jesus had been with them every day. Being with Jesus was something they took for granted. They expected to continue being with him. Then he was brutally killed. They expected that they would never see him again. Then they saw him. Now what? Now they are struggling to reconcile what they believe is possible with what they know to be true.

Part of their brain wanted to ask, “Who are you?” It is the part of everyone’s brain that likes to ask questions, verify everything, and argue about everything. The other part of their mind, perhaps the heart, knows who Jesus is. That part of their mind will not let the other part ask, “Who are you?”

Application: Each of us is built the same way. We all have a part of the mind that likes to question everything. We also have a heart. The part of our mind that recognizes God, knows the truth, and can hear and discern the whispers of the Holy Spirit.

Food for Thought: What advice do you have for people who struggle with these two opposing parts of their minds?

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6 Replies to “Two Minds – John 21: 12”

  1. Trust God’s revealed word and what is says about Jesus. It is truth that can guide us in any uncertainty.

      1. It is true. My heart knows it. My head gets in my own way! Well said Jeff.

  2. “Not one of the disciples ventured to interrogate Him, that is ‘to examine by questioning’. Each man felt convinced it was The Lord, and a new reverence prevented them from questioning Him”.(Dods)
    Note another event where the disciples thought is best not to inquire… John 4:27 and at this point His disciples came, and they marveled that Jesus talked with a woman: YET NO ONE SAID, “what do you seek, “?, or, why are you talking with her?”
    There are times I believe the Spirit just “checks” you, and you KNOW without anything being spoken.

    1. Keith,
      You are absolutely right! There are days when I wish the Spirit would “check” me more often! 🙂 Yet these men are in the presence of the Living God. It makes sense that the Spirit would affirm Jesus’ Lordship by his presence.

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