Surreal – John 21: 13 -14

Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish. This was now the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead.

There is a surreal element to this entire scene. The disciples have gone back to Galilee. They are aimless and lost without their master. They know he is alive, but they have not heard from him since they were in Jerusalem. Wanting to do something productive they decide to go fishing. Though they work all night through the dawn comes and they have nothing to show for their efforts. Nothing.

A man calls to them from the beach and says, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” They do and their net is immediately filled with more fish than they can pull out of the water. John looks up at the man on the beach and says, “It is the Lord!” The next thing they know there is a splash as Peter jumps ship leaving the rest of them to wrestle with this massive catch.

The six disciples left in the boat make their way to shore dragging the net full of fish with them. As soon as they can they leave the net and fish in the water and join Peter and the Lord on the beach. There is a coal fire burning and fish and bread being cooked on the fire. After a long night of hard work, the smell of fresh bread and fish is inviting. Jesus says to bring some more fish and Peter runs back and somehow drags the net to the shore.

The net should have burst with so many fish in it, but it was still intact. They brought the fish ashore and counted them as they unloaded the net. One hundred and fifty-three large fish. They bring some to Jesus, at the same time not believing their eyes. They want to ask, “Is it really you, Lord?,” but they know it is.

When they have done what Jesus asked and brought the fish, Jesus takes the bread and fish from the coals and gives it to his disciples. It is at this point that I am reminded of this passage from Luke:

It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them.

(Luke 12: 37)

Jesus, the God of the Universe, Creator of All That Is, is waiting on his disciples. He has prepared a meal for them and now he serves them.

Application: Jesus is showing us another demonstration of his love. He came bringing the light of God to the world, healing the blind, deaf, and mute. Making the lame walk and raising the dead. On his last night before his crucifixion, he washed his disciples’ feet. Now, after being raised in glory, he serves breakfast to his disciples.

Food for Thought: What do you make of a God who acts like this?

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4 Replies to “Surreal – John 21: 13 -14”

    1. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45)
      Nice reference, Rich. Thanks!

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