Words – John 21: 25

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

Do you journal? I do. Every evening I write down a few short notes about the day. I have trained myself to be very brief because there is so much that goes on in a day it would be impossible to write it all down. And that is one day!

John spent about three years with Jesus. He was with him almost every day, all day. Discipleship was not something that was an eight to five job with weekends off. Discipleship was a lifetime commitment, 24/7, 365 days a year (or about 355 days if you are using the Hebrew calendar!).

During that time John heard Jesus preach over and over again. It seems likely that Jesus would have repeated his teachings many times as they went from village to village. When they had time away from the crowds, the disciples would be able to sit and listen to Jesus in private and have their questions answered.

Jesus healed many people. The stories of Jesus’ miracles in John’s gospel are only a small sample of what he related to us. Luke relates how, “…all tried to touch him [Jesus], because power was coming from him and healing them all.” (Luke 6:19b) There was a lot John could have written about.

Application: John’s gospel was written under the direction of the Holy Spirit. We know this because John was a disciple of Jesus and the disciples received the Holy Spirit from Jesus. (See “Breath of God”) What John and the other New Testament writers have given us is exactly what we need and what our Creator wants us to have.

Food for Thought: If there is one thing in the gospel accounts that you would like to know more about, what would it be?

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4 Replies to “Words – John 21: 25”

  1. We know that Jesus often went away by Himself to pray. I would find it fascinating to listen in on some of those prayers.

  2. Just a little information in a description or a story often conveys most of the true meaning and lesson. There are “stories” and their are truths. In most cases, more and more information can create diminished marginal returns. Sometimes even diminutive to the total. Sometimes confusion.

    A “story” is told in prose. A method to capture and only entertain the reader.

    The inescapable substance and factual accounts of Christ are sufficient. IMHO

  3. Gary,
    Thank you for sharing your insight here! You make a great point that more can be less. Too much information dilutes the main point. Well said!! (I suffer from that tendency quite frequently! 🙂 )

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