Affirmation Monday – Philippians 4:19

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

This week we begin a new phase of We have completed the Gospel of John and instead of beginning a new book study, I am going to mix it up a little. Henceforth (or until such time as I change my mind… 🙂 ) Mondays at Three Minute Bible will be known as Affirmation Monday. Let’s face it, Mondays are hard enough to face as it is. Who couldn’t use a little encouragement and affirmation on Monday?

Today’s verse comes from Paul’s letter to the Philippians. He begins his letter by talking about being “in chains” (Philippians 1:13).

So what does a man in chains need?

For me, the desire of the flesh would dictate that if I were in chains I would “need” freedom. Yet Paul is not complaining about his chains. In fact, in chapter 1, verses 18 and 19 he talks about how being in chains will work for his deliverance.

If the flesh desires freedom, what does the spiritual man desire?

I think of Jesus during his forty-day test in the wilderness. When Satan suggests Jesus should use his power to turn rocks into bread and comfort his body with food Jesus replies, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)

What do we need? Not necessarily, “What do we want?“, but, “What do we need?

We need God. We need to know he loves us and accepts us. We need his forgiveness and guidance.

Somehow, if we focus on what we need and how God is meeting those needs, then our physical wants seem less and our many blessings seem more.

Application: Divide your world into ”needs” and ”wants.” Now divide those into ”spiritual” and ”worldly.” Beginning with your spiritual needs and working through the rest, count the ways God meets not only your needs but your wants, too.

Food for Thought: Why is it difficult to focus on our spiritual needs?

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13 Replies to “Affirmation Monday – Philippians 4:19”

  1. Unfortunately, I want no pain or suffering in my life (including family and friends). This seldom lines up with God’s plan; whether spiritual or physical.

    Happy Monday

    1. Rob,

      Thanks for the comment! I had a very interesting conversation this morning that relates.

      A coworker noticed I had a new Christmas Cactus on my desk. (Long story!) He is much more of a green thumb than I am so he shares his gardening tips with me. He said that every year about October he puts his Christmas Cactus in a closet for three to four weeks to “stress it.” Then mid November he brings it back out into the house. About two weeks later it starts to bud and by Christmas it is covered in blossoms.

      Apparently the “stress” causes the plant to become more productive. If stressing a plant can cause it to have more blossoms, be more beautiful, and be more productive, how much more can a little stress cause us as God’s people to blossom more?

      Just a thought. 🙂

    2. I understand this. My prayer is that I accept his guidance, his will and find greater peace in accepting his plan for my life, including his disciplines, both physically and spiritually. My I find greater trust in him daily. This article was food for my soul, e.g. that letting go of self and finding peace that he loves an old fool like me will bring me what I have always longed for.

  2. Good choice for first affirmation Monday verse.

    I have had many years of my life taking care of or praying for my needs. NOW I want more anointing. I want more of Holy Spirit living in and through me. I want to help others be set free.

  3. Great question and I like your direction. Although I also really appreciated the devotions in John.

    I can relate to what Rob said. I tend to want to be comfortable and that is not often in line with God’s plan. And to be honest, I am very selfish. I have to allow the Spirit to have control and I need to be intentional, devoted and disciplined to grow spiritually. But it is always worth it. Colossians 4:2.

  4. Thank you, brother!
    I hope to go back and revisit the earlier posts in John as time allows. I also have some surprises planned for future posts. 🙂

  5. Agree with Anon. A desire to be filled to overflowing with the Spirit of Christ every moment.
    “Thus we can recognize what is authentic spiritual life. It is not to be discovered or experienced in the many thoughts and visions of the mind, nor in the many burning and exhilarating feelings of emotions, nor in the sudden shaking, penetrating and touching of the body by outside force. It is to be found in that life which emanates from the spirit, from the innermost part of man. To walk truly after the Spirit is to understand the movement of this most hidden area and to follow it accordingly”. W. Nee
    Maturing in Christ is to recognize what is “of the Spirit” and what is “of the soul”.

    1. The ability communicate this way is awesome . I can’t seem to open your paragraph to read more. There is no other option to open up the paragraph or am I missing something. Being content. Accepting His grace and will for our lives is so important. Paul speaks of this often. Have we studied ACTS?


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