Wisdom Wednesday – Proverbs 1: 1-2a

The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for gaining wisdom and instruction…

Have you ever wished that there was an instruction manual for life? I have! I remember back in the days when I looked at the Bible as “just a book.” I used to think, “Why couldn’t God give us an instruction manual?” Boy, was I dumb! No wonder I needed help. I had the instruction manual all the time. All I had to do was read it.

In the whole history of the world, there has only been one person with the wisdom of Solomon. His wisdom is a gift from God Himself. In his lifetime people came from all parts of the known world to consult with him and hear the wisdom God had given him. Fortunately for us, Solomon was thoughtful enough to have his words written down. Unfortunately for Solomon, he wasn’t smart enough to follow his own advice.

If he had obeyed the wisdom God had given him, he would not have married foreign women. He would not have then been tempted to worship their gods and bring judgment on himself and all Israel. The kingdom would not have been torn from his descendants and the bloodline of David would not have been exiled from Jerusalem. If Solomon had chosen rightly, the entire history of the human race would have been different.

Be that as it may, we now have something that even Solomon in all his royal splendor did not have. We who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are given the Holy Spirit. God Himself resides in us and helps us to understand the wisdom he gave to Solomon. More than that, he helps us live it.

Application: We can only know God’s wisdom if we pay attention to it. ”Wisdom Wednesday” will be a recurring feature for awhile which focuses on the wisdom available to us in Proverbs.

Food for Thought: What does having wisdom mean to you?

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2 Replies to “Wisdom Wednesday – Proverbs 1: 1-2a”

  1. Good devotion brother. I find it encouraging that God has given us His wisdom and we are not left with the wisdom of the world or our own resources. We have His word, the example of Jesus, the indwelling Holy Spirit, etc. This means I have guidance based on real truth.

  2. I’m learning about wisdom and the word everyday. And what wisdom I cant figure out I have the wisdom of counsel to help me.

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