Testing – James 1: 3

…because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

The word, “test” is one of those words with many connotations and meanings. In today’s verse James explains what he means by suggesting we should consider “trials of many kinds” as “pure joy.” Testing, he says, produces perseverance.

He is not talking about the kind of testing that an engineer might use to determine how strong something is. That kind of test requires pushing a material or design to the breaking point. When testing a material that way, we measure where the failure is. That information is used to design something that will not fail when it undergoes a different kind of test.

James is referring to the world of people, of living things. Even here there are different kinds of tests. My doctor uses a sample of blood to test for all kinds of things. Putting pressure on my arm allows him to test for blood pressure.

In one sense the word is like an engineer’s test or a doctor’s test. A test of faith reveals how strong our faith is. It does something else, too. Because we are living, growing beings, a test of faith also strengthens us. Like lifting weights, the body responds by growing stronger. The same is true in our faith life. Trusting God a little strengthens our faith so that we can trust him more next time. Trusting him more means that we can endure more. Enduring more is called persevering.

Application: Trust God more.

Food for Thought: What does a test of faith look like? Can you testify to the truth of James’ words here?

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7 Replies to “Testing – James 1: 3”

  1. While I think the test can take many forms, I can see how God uses it to grow me. Faith is like a muscle. As you point out here, the more we use it the more we have.

    This was another great devotional brother. I think you said this about as well as it could be said.

    1. Thank you, Rich. Tests do take many forms! I find that our Father seems to have an infinite variety of areas to test us in. It keeps me humble!

  2. In an earthly comparison, I’m reminded of the extremely foggy night of driving from Ashland 300 miles north. I had to go by only what I could see at the time but keep heading in the right direction and trusting that I-5 and my destination were ahead of me. It was not always comfortable or easy driving, but I kept going. There are obstacles in life that will test our faith. We will either fold or rely more on our Savior and trust His word. 1 Corinthians 13:12 and 15:58.

    1. JEC,
      I appreciate the scripture references you share. Your knowledge of the Bible is an inspiration!
      Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
      (1 Corinthians 15: 58b)
      Driving in the fog is a great illustration of walking by faith. Thanks!

  3. Jeff, if you apply your engineer example to the world of people, it kinda of gives a visual of what testing is. Testing of faith happens in the spiritual realm. Engineer testing is done in the physical world. Same “pushing” or “stressing” to a breaking point is an apt description of what we humans feel like in our being and it is often leaks out through our emotions (soul).
    The word used is James 1:3 is DOKIMION, and very simply means “that by which something is tried, or proven, a test”. No secret meaning here! Same word used in 1Pe1:7, that the genuineness of your faith….though it is tested (DOKIMION) by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory and the revelation of Jesus Christ”.

    1. Thank you, Keith!
      I appreciate you taking time to look up the Greek. I personally see a difference between destructive testing which is what I might do as an engineer in the lab, and Dokimion. To be tested, tried, and proven by God hopefully does not drive us to complete destruction. Yet, I see your point, too. I think there are times when a person might need to be broken down so that God can remake us in His image. Perhaps both forms of testing apply after all. Thank you for sharing your perspective!

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