The Perfect Gift – James 1: 17

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

What did you get for Christmas this year? Did you enjoy receiving a gift? Was it a good gift? Was it perfect? Does it need batteries? Does it break? Does it wear out? Did you have to return it?

So often gifts are well intended, but somehow fail to live up to expectations. My grandson was given a complex model kit that assembles into a working robot arm. At least that is what the picture on the box shows. In reality, the parts were lacking in functionality. I helped him work on it Christmas Day and while we were a long way from finishing it, I could tell that there were going to be problems with it.

When I got home I looked up reviews for the toy on the internet. One review rated it last out of five similar products. Scratching to come up with something nice to say about it, the best that they could do was suggesting that the child who attempted to put it together would learn some “new words.” Hmm.

What kind of gifts does our Father in heaven give to us? Are they really as “good” and “perfect” as advertised?

How would you like to unwrap God’s Peace? The kind of Peace that makes no sense intellectually but that you can feel deep down in your soul. (John 14: 27)

Or maybe that glittering package under the tree contains Joy! In a world of gloom and doom, the gift of Joy might go a long way towards making life … well … enjoyable. (John 15: 11)

Forgiveness is another gift that is always appreciated. Who doesn’t do something they regret now and then? Imagine having the guilt lifted off of your shoulders, your debts paid, and a clean slate. (Luke 26: 28)

All these gifts and more come from the “Father of the heavenly lights.”

Application: Gifts involve giving and receiving. God offers us his good and perfect gifts. Our challenge is to accept them.

Food for Thought: What do you think prompted James to include his comment about God, ”who does not change like shifting shadows”?

3 Replies to “The Perfect Gift – James 1: 17”

  1. God is constant and His love for us doesn’t change. James received inspiration to express how great God is.

  2. I agree with Rob. God cannot lie as that is against His nature. Thus, we can count on every promise He makes. We are used to people changing their minds all the time. We have changed are minds at times. God will not change His mind regarding His promises and His love for us.

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