Psalm Sunday – Psalm 2: 1

Why do the nations conspire
    and the peoples plot in vain?

Conspiracy Theory

I am not going to say a lot on today’s verse except to point out that this is a GREAT question! It seems especially appropriate with all the drama in the news these days.

One phrase I’ve heard a lot lately is “conspiracy theory.” It seems like I was able to live most of my life without ever running into a conspiracy theory. Now I cannot turn around without someone claiming that what someone else has said is one.

The way I have heard the phrase used usually involves a complicated plot by shadowy political figures. The problem with such plots is that there is no way to verify the truth. Because of the number of these alleged plots these days, one is caught between succumbing to total paranoia or bemused incredulity.

Whether you believe in the existence of such plots, one thing seems clear. There is no shortage of people claiming that such plots are real. Fortunately, God is aware of such things. He knows people’s hearts and he knows their thoughts. The psalmist acknowledges that nations conspire and people plot, but all this is in vain. Why? Because God’s will is accomplished regardless of what man tries to do. (Revelation 22:13)

Now before you accuse me of ignorance about world events, please understand I am aware that there are some horrible governments in the world. Many many people suffer in this life because of the wicked people around them. From a worldly point of view, the conspiracies of the nations and the plots of people might look like they are succeeding. But they are not. What is important in life is what happens after we die. Do we hope for eternal life with God, or have we traded that hope for worldly power?

Application: Take hope! God’s judgment is just and inescapable. Evil that is done in this life is short-lived. Our sights are set on eternity with our Father.

Food for Thought: Does it matter if the plots and conspiracies are real or not?

2 Replies to “Psalm Sunday – Psalm 2: 1”

  1. Certainly not from an eternal perspective. It also does not alter God’s truth or the gospel message we are to proclaim.

  2. None of it matters because of all I want is His will to be done. We are told not to worry. I’m just hoping that whatever way things go I’m able to glorify Him and help other members with the gifts and talents he has blessed me with.

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