Pause Button – James 1: 19 Part II

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…

In “Stop the Spinning” we discussed what it means to be quick to listen. Today I would like to revisit this verse and look at the second part of James’ admonition: being “slow to speak.”

There is a similarity between these two instructions. When we discussed “Stop the Spinning” we referred to the tendency of the mind to get caught up in what is going on. Slowing down the mind and focusing on what is being said to us is the first step James alludes to. But what then? Do we allow the mind to spin wildly again after we have listened?

James says, “No.”

James has captured a very human tendency and turned it around. Instead of being slow to listen and quick to speak, he tells us to do the opposite. And what happens when we do? Miracles!

Instead of opening our mouth and inserting foot, we pause, and in that pause, we think about what we are about to say. (If we say anything at all.)

Maybe that means there is an awkward silence for a moment. Perhaps you risk being misunderstood because someone else’s mind is spinning and they imagine you are something you are not. Yet in the final analysis, what is important is how you look to God. Do your words honor Him? That is the question we need to consider before speaking.

The BIG advantage of following this advice is less guilt. Feeling the sting of guilt from words spoken in haste is unpleasant. Multiplying those stings is painful. Pain that can be avoided.

Application: Before speaking push the pause button. Consider what you are about to say. Does it bring honor to you? Does it honor God?

Food for Thought: How would your world be different if you and those around you were ”slow to speak?”

6 Replies to “Pause Button – James 1: 19 Part II”

  1. If people were slow to speak, Twitter might go out if business…
    that was a quick response.

    Slowing down might help us care for one another the way God intends.

  2. Rob, I like your quick response here 😉. I think you are on to something in the change this would bring to social media.

    I also believe being slow to speak and quick to listen would get rid of a lot of destructive and unnecessary anger in my life and in the lives of others. I always need to do a better job of being quick to listen. I am trying to work on that. And I will take prayer for the effort. That combined with the Holy Spirit’s patient help will hopefully bring positive change.

  3. I wish there was a pause button to push or better yet a rewind button. There would be less anger and way less retaliation with anger. Small arguments turn into fights then battles and wars. By this time both sides feel like theres no going back or admitting they are wrong or at fault. They just keep adding gas to the fire making things worst. And all because someone forgot to turn off a light.

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