Wisdom Wednesday – Labyrinth

For the Lord gives wisdom;
    from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Then you will understand what is right and just
    and fair—every good path.

Proverbs 2: 6, 9

The problem with being human – that is, being human without knowing God – is that we don’t understand the difference between right and wrong. That is not to say we do not ever do what is right. It just means that we do not know what is right.

As a human, we can say this is good and that is bad, but our knowledge is imperfect. (Ecclesiastes 11: 5) We do not know what lies beyond our vision. We cannot know how all things turn out. Because we cannot know the ending, we cannot know for certain if something is good or bad. Everything depends on how it turns out at the end.

God is different. God knows all things. (Psalm 94: 11) God knows both the beginning and the end of all things. (Revelation 1: 8) Knowing how things turn out makes all the difference. It is like the difference between being in a labyrinth or looking down on one. When we are in the middle of the labyrinth, there is no way of knowing where to turn. Everything is a guess. Even the ones that “feel right.” God, looking down, knows which path to take. He knows “every good path.”

Application: Trust that God truly does know every good path. Read the Bible. Pray. Listen to his wisdom.

Food for Thought: How can we know that God has given us knowledge and understanding?

4 Replies to “Wisdom Wednesday – Labyrinth”

  1. We have a guide in His word (Psalm 119: 9, 11, 105). His word is His special revelation to us. If what we are thinking or doing is consistent with His word, then we can be confident that it aligns with His will.

  2. Yes, the Scriptures…and we will communicate and agree with the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:16), Who is always in agreement with the Word of God.

  3. Thank you both for sharing your thoughts today. I think another reason we can know God has given us his wisdom and understanding is that we are more patient with the situations we find ourselves in and our decisions based on God’s wisdom tends to turn out for the best.

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