Distractions – James 2: 5

Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?

As we gently sift through the words that James wrote down so many years ago, we get a sense of his deep love for those he is writing to. Something has happened to trigger this letter. We do not know what it is or how James came to hear about it. His letter testifies to the fact that he did hear, and he is doing something about it.

Somehow the poor are being dishonored by his brothers and sisters in Christ. This is wrong. James makes that clear. Now he begins to walk us through the reasons why it is wrong.

Who is poor in ”the eyes of the world?”

This question suggests that there is a difference between the world’s values and God’s values. The world values money and power. God is not impressed. God’s economy does not depend on earthly currency. God’s economy depends on something called faith.

The poor, James writes, are “rich in faith.” Why? What makes them different than those who are rich in the eyes of the world? James says that the poor will inherit the kingdom promised to those who love God.

One difference that comes to mind is distractions. The rich have many things vying for their attention. Their wealth has to be looked after. New wealth has to be acquired. Possessions have to be purchased and once purchased they have to be protected from damage and theft. The rich that James describes are also concerned with being noticed by others. So many distractions!

The poor are daily confronted with their needs. They are constantly reminded of their need for God’s provision and protection.

Application: How we see ourselves is a choice. Choose to be seen as poor before God.

Food for Thought: What will the rich people that James describe inherit?

5 Replies to “Distractions – James 2: 5”

  1. The rich and poor alike need to realize their need for God and depend on His righteousness. James is warning the rich who do not see their need. We all need to be poor in spirit – realize our need to and receive God’s mercy and grace in the Person of Jesus. Matthew 5:3: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

  2. It does not follow that poor in material is rich in spirit or vice-versa. The rich may have more barriers to faith. However everyone needs help. We must reach out to all. Believing without seeing is the leap we all must accept!

  3. Thank you both for your comments today! I think it can be argued that being poor is a state of mind. I believe that compared to the infinite riches of God we are all infinitely poor. If we approach life with that attitude, then there is no basis for discriminating between what the world sees as rich and poor.

  4. I agree. Good points by anonymous as well. We are all poor, we just may not realize it (Revelation 3: 16 – 19). When we become poor in spirit, whatever our worldly wealth, we are acknowledging our need for our Savior and our utter dependence upon the Lord. That was kind of the point I was trying to make, just not sure if it came across or not.

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