Affirmation Monday – In God We Trust

Enlarged photo of a penny showing the words, "In God We Trust."

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit

Romans 15:13

If you look at any United States coin, written on the front are the words, “In God We Trust.” Over the years I have come to marvel at the implications of what it means to trust in God.

In Paul’s letter to the Romans, he ties together trust, hope, joy, and peace. All this is by the power of the Holy Spirit. Without God, we do not have access to that power.

So what? So what if we don’t have trust?

A free society such as the United States can only exist if there is trust. If we don’t trust each other to honor our word there is no basis for transacting business. Without trust, the banks would fail, people would turn on each other, and the government would feel obligated to regulate every aspect of a person’s life. In short, if we do not acknowledge God, there is no one we can trust but ourselves.

When we trust in God, we can trust others who also trust in God. We can trust them because they serve a God of love. A God who put our lives before His own. A nation that trusts in God serves God and honors God is a nation where people can trust each other. There is no other way.

Even so, regardless of where we live, there is hope for those who believe in God. The hope of redemption through faith in Jesus Christ. Through the kindness of Jesus, he invites us into God’s family. He offers us eternal life that is true life, real life that is eternal. As a sign of his faithfulness, he gives those who believe God’s Holy Spirit. By the power of the Holy Spirit, God fills us with joy, peace, and hope as we trust in Him.

Application: Ponder and enjoy God’s gift: By the power of the Holy Spirit we are given hope, joy, and peace as we trust in Him.

Food for Thought: What is the nature of trust?

5 Replies to “Affirmation Monday – In God We Trust”

  1. When we trust in our own feelings, we tend to be self-centered. If we continually get our own way, we tend to get upset and feel slighted.

    If we trust in God’s word, we can be centered to the way God wants them to be. That’s why we can rejoice even in the midst of struggles.

  2. Trust is firm belief in something that leads to action. If I really trust a chair, then I sit in it. To really trust God I have to lean into Him with all my weight.

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