Flashlight – James 2: 6b-7

Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?

In this passage, James pulls out a flashlight and shines the light on who these “rich people” are that he keeps talking about. James is not concerned that Larry might own a bigger tent or house than his neighbor Fred. Rather he is concerned about those who exploit others to further themselves.

He brings the light closer to show us a specific example. The rich who exploit others drag people into court.

This makes sense when we think about it. Most people, when they disagree, work it out. They talk. A lot of disagreements are simply misunderstandings. One person is offended, the other was not even aware of causing offense. Not so with the rich who exploit.

If there is a dollar to be made, these people go right for the jugular. Dragging others into court is their preferred way of doing business. The poor, unable to afford to fight in that venue, are at a disadvantage. The rich exploiter wins and takes what little the poor have to add to what the rich already have.

Application: Exploitation is against the will of God. Jesus commands us to love others as we love ourselves (Matthew 22: 39) not to love ourselves at the expense of others.

Food for Thought: How does today’s passage help you understand what James means by “the rich?”

4 Replies to “Flashlight – James 2: 6b-7”

  1. I think your application summarized this well. The “rich” (not all rich people, but the ones James is pointing out) are wealthy people who Exploit others to love themselves. They do not appear to love God or others.

  2. Strong words and a “heart check” for leaders of the assembly in terms of the way people are treated who show up and visit. This could be a challenge because it takes money to run the assembly. What leader of an assembly wouldn’t love to see a millionaire show up in their assembly with the intention of joining?!? Soooo much the assembly could do with more money !! Odd that this is not the way God see the situation. He sees more of a temptation and the possibility of evil because because it seems that money has more of an ability for YOU TO SERVE IT than vice versa.

    1. Hi Keith! Thanks for stopping in!!
      You present a great example of the importance of James’ admonition to the church. Your example puts me in mind of 2 Samuel 24 where David brings God’s punishment on Israel by counting the men in his army instead of trusting the Lord.

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