Hard Time – James 2: 11

For he who said, “You shall not commit adultery,” also said, “You shall not murder.” If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.

As we discussed in “You Break It You Buy It” a glass angel with a broken wing is no longer “new” in the eyes of the Curio Shop owner. In the same way, if you commit murder the whole law is broken, just like that angel. Even something as minor as disrespecting the poor brother in Christ breaks God’s law of loving our neighbor as ourselves.

Using the logic James puts forth, the one who discriminates between the rich and the poor has broken the law. Unlike people, the Law does not discriminate. Once you break the law, the law condemns you to the same place all other lawbreakers go.

Let’s think about what this means. Jesus said:

“You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.” (Matthew 5: 21-22)

There is only one place for the lawbreaker on the other side of death. Here, on this side, we might get off easy with probation, or maybe having to wear an ankle bracelet. Some people do community service for a few weekends. Even if we are sent to prison, we could pull light duty in a low-security facility where life isn’t all that bad. Very few do hard time.

On the other side of the grass, things are different.

In the spiritual realm, where souls exist after leaving this body, there are only two choices for accommodations. On the one hand, there is God’s realm called Heaven, or Paradise. On the other hand, there is only darkness or maybe an eternal lake of burning fire. (Neither darkness or a lake of fire sounds particularly pleasant.)

To be with God in Paradise, we need to have fulfilled his Law of Love perfectly, from the day we were born until our last heartbeat. If we could do that we would be in. God would happily welcome us to live with him. The perfect God welcoming his perfect creation.

So what are the odds you or I could pull that off? Zero point zero with an infinite number of zeros behind. No chance.

Only one man was able to pull that off, and he was God’s Son, Jesus. Fortunately for us, he is willing to vouch for us when we come to Heaven’s door. All we have to do is believe. Oh, and as James will point out shortly, believe with a belief that can be seen in what we do, not just heard in what we say.

Application: Consider your behavior in light of this passage from James.

Food for Thought: How does who you are reflect on your relationship with Jesus?

5 Replies to “Hard Time – James 2: 11”

  1. Good point Rob. Kind of like “you are what you eat” but with a heart application.

    If we are filled with the Spirit we will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. That shows that Jesus is actually Lord and I am not just a believer, but a disciple. Flawed, still struggling with sin, but reflecting the sanctifying work of the Spirit as I seek to please my Lord.

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