Splash! – James 2: 14

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?

In “Hearts and Deeds” we listened to Paul’s statement that we are saved not by works but through faith.* We compared this to James’s emphasis on what we do. Today James restates his case. This time with a directness that borders on being blunt.

In essence, James wants us to think about the connection between what is in our hearts and what we do. Can a person believe and yet act like they don’t believe?

In Matthew’s gospel, he tells the story of a time when the disciples were caught in a storm on the Sea of Galilee.** They had been rowing all night and were no doubt exhausted. Just before dawn, they see Jesus coming to them. He is walking on the water.

The sight of Jesus walking on the water terrifies them, but Jesus assures them it is he. Then Peter decides to test the claim that it is Jesus they are talking to. He says, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.”

I do not claim to understand Peter’s logic here. If it wasn’t the Lord and who he was talking to wanted to do Peter harm, they would have given the same answer Jesus did. But logic aside, Jesus told him to come, and he did. Peter risked making a big splash!

Let’s stop the story there for a moment. Peter’s heart longed to be with Jesus. His actions followed suit. The fact that he walked on water at all is a testimony to his faith. (None of the others asked to come out onto the water!) Peter had faith and his deed affirmed that faith.

The fact that he began to sink does not take away from the testimony of his getting out of the boat. He wouldn’t have begun to sink if he hadn’t been out of the boat in the first place. Jesus’ reprimand of Peter is very gentle. He asks, “… why did you doubt?”

When Peter got out of the boat his whole attention was on getting to Jesus. After Peter was out of the boat his attention shifted. Instead of being focused on Jesus, he allowed himself to be distracted. He started to pay attention to the wind, the waves, and the fact that what he was doing was impossible.

To go back to James’ point today, if we have our eye on Jesus we will be out of the boat doing something in faith.

Application: Think about this: Do your deeds match your faith?

Food for Thought: James asks, “… can such a faith…” save a person? Is it Jesus that saves us or our faith in Jesus that saves?

*Ephesians 2: 8-9
** Matthew 14: 28-31

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