Psalm Sunday – Context

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
    let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
    that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

— Psalm 5: 11

People who study the Bible often talk about the importance of context. Taking a verse out of context can entirely change its meaning. Except sometimes it doesn’t.

Psalm 5 starts as a lament of King David. He mourns the sinfulness of wicked people. He complains about their arrogance and their lies. They offend God and because they offend God, David is offended, too.

Then, at the end of his psalm, he extols the goodness of the Lord. He rejoices in God’s protection.

In the context of this verse, David’s words provide a counterpoint to the sinfulness of man. In the larger context of life, like a picture frame, this verse provides an encouraging truth for those in need who turn to God.

Application: Turn to God every day. Rejoice!

Food for Thought: What kind of protection does God offer?

2 Replies to “Psalm Sunday – Context”

  1. Well, in context 😉, verse five talked about those who are blood thirsty and deceitful, verses nine and ten talked about the lies of such people. This, at least one purpose of God’s protection was to protect His people from the attacks of those who oppose God and them. He is rewarding those who trust in Him. The result of His protection is “that those who love” His name“May rejoice” in Him.

    1. Thanks Rich! I appreciate the contextual comment corroberating the causation of celebration for those whose concern is confirming their faith.

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