Psalm Sunday – Heart Exam

The Lord is in his holy temple;
    the Lord is on his heavenly throne.
He observes everyone on earth;
    his eyes examine them.

— Psalm 11: 4

I like this verse from Psalm 11 because it reminds us that God is watching. More than that, more than being just a casual observer of the human race, God examines us.

In Luke 12:7 Jesus tells us that God has numbered the “very hairs of your head.” (I realize that for some of us, that may not seem like much of a challenge.) Think about the detail that represents. Then think about the fact that God operates at the molecular level. Psalm 139:13 tells us that God knits us together in our mother’s womb.

What else does God see?

Throughout the Bible, there are hundreds of references to the human heart. More important to God than the hairs on our head is the condition of our hearts. We can hide what is in our hearts from other people, but we cannot hide from our maker. When God examines us, I suspect our heart is of the most interest to him.

Application: Kneel before God and pray the Lord’s Prayer.

Food for Thought: What kind of eyes does God have that he can see ”everyone on earth?”

Please feel free to comment on the blog post as well as the “Food for Thought” question.

5 Replies to “Psalm Sunday – Heart Exam”

  1. Good question. Obviously He has better eyes than mine that see less every year. He is Spirit and sees as such. John 4:23-24. Another verse this made me think of was 2 Chronicles 16:9, at least the first part of that verse. And Hebrews 4:13.

    1. Rich,
      Thank you! I especially like the Hebrews 4: 13 reference:
      Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

  2. It’s hard to fathom the eyes that see our unformed bodies in our mother’s womb (to roughly paraphrase another Psalm).

    We are seen and loved.

  3. I’m agreeing with Rob. If he has fingers that created the stars. Has the capability to create the heavens and earth. There’s no limit to anything he can do. He can do anything.

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