James 3: 3-4 – Leverage

Picture of man using a lever to lift a large block.

When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go.

Archimedes is often quoted as saying, “Give me the place to stand, and I shall move the earth.” His bases his confidence on his knowledge of levers and the ability of a lever to amplify force. Archimedes lived about two hundred years before Jesus walked the earth.

James understands the power of levers. He uses leverage to illustrate how something as small as the tongue can move something as big as an army. The power of words is the power to affect people’s thoughts and actions. This power, in and of itself, is neither good or bad. Whether it used for good or evil depends on whether it serves God or opposes God. Any use that leads men away from God is evil.

Once in the realm of evil, the uses of words are almost infinite. It doesn’t matter where you lead the horse, or where you steer the ship. If your goal is no longer to serve God, your destination is no longer to be with God.

James also wants us to understand the power of voice. A sneer, a whisper, a shout can all capture the attention of others. Words, vocal inflection, and attitude all factor into what might be the most powerful lever in the world: the tongue. James starts that discussion with a short essay on the power of levers.

Application: Think about the different levers of power you have in life. How do you use this power?

Food for Thought: What other examples of levers could James have used?

3 Replies to “James 3: 3-4 – Leverage”

  1. In chapter four, he talks about the human will. This also can take us to dark places and away from the Lord when the Lord is excluded. Idols, such as making money (also in chapter four), can make us forget about God and lead us astray. Like the tongue, these let us know what is in the heart. The tongue reveals heart issues. The heart far from God is in a dark place.

    1. Rich,
      Interesting take on today’s topic! If I understand your point correctly Satan uses our own self interest as a lever to pry us away from God.

  2. Yeah, Satan is an enemy who will get his foot in the door to pry it open. Ephesians 4:26-27.

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