James 4: 6a — Grace

A female ballet dancer appears to float in the air as others look on.

But he gives us more grace.

In my post a few days ago called, “Troubleshooter,” we noted the pattern that James follows in his writing: Problem – Analysis – Solution. The problem James sees is that God’s people are fighting and quarreling. They are adulterous people. They ask things of God and do not receive anything.

Why are people like this?

James’ analysis is that our desires battle within us. We covet things we cannot have. We fight and kill. We have the wrong motives. We are, in fact, enemies of God.

It sounds hopeless, doesn’t it?

The problem is that God’s people are not acting like God’s people. The reason we don’t act like God’s people is that our inner self prefers what the world offers instead of what God offers.

So what is the solution?

The solution is God’s love. He gives us more grace. But what, exactly, is grace?

Grace is one of the simplest concepts in the Bible, and yet for some reason, it is difficult to understand. Grace is commonly understood to mean a manner of acting. For example, a ballerina dances with grace. Grace can also mean a gift or favor. In this case, I think it might mean both.

God loves us even though we are unlovable. When a perfect being shows kindness and affection to his enemy (James 4: 4) it is an act of grace. When our God takes the extra step of giving us the means to be redeemed from Satan’s power, he does us a favor. What he gives us is the gift of Himself. We call this gift the Holy Spirit.

Grace is being graceful. Grace is showing favor to the undeserving. Grace is giving the underserving a priceless gift.

Application: Ponder what God has done and the cost of the gift he has given you.

Food for Thought: How do we know that God has given us grace?

5 Replies to “James 4: 6a — Grace”

  1. All we need to do is gaze upon the cross. For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. That gift is the ultimate expression of God’s love providing what we need even though we do not deserve it – grace.

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