James 5: 13a — Prayer

A woman's face wearing a dust mask prays against a black background.

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray.

It seems a bit ironic to read this verse and be in the middle of a pandemic. People are dying and the rest of the world is scared. Who on earth isn’t in trouble right now? Let them pray!

Prayer is a wonderful thing because we don’t pray to someone we don’t believe in, even if it is only a little.

Prayer is marvelous because we need to be able to share what is in our hearts.

Prayer is healing because in praying, we open ourselves to the possibility of being healed.

Prayer is calming because expressing our fears is a way of releasing them.

Prayer honors God.

Prayer humbles us.

Prayer is a connection between the soul within us and our Maker.

Application: Pray.

Food for Thought: How do you pray?

6 Replies to “James 5: 13a — Prayer”

  1. At two different points in His ministry Jesus answered this question. One time He offered it in His teaching at the Sermon on the Mount. Later in His ministry His disciples asked Him how they should pray. His answer was the same both times. Matthew 6: 5 – 15; Luke 11: 1 – 4.

  2. As I read this, it occurred to me. To acknowledge these five verses would be a perfect way to start each day.
    10, ‘Our Father, who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
    11, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
    12, Give us this day our daily bread.
    13, And forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors.
    14, And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’

  3. Rich & Ron,
    Thank you for your thoughts today. Yes, Jesus knew what he was doing when he taught us to pray. May His will be done, always!

  4. Amen to Rich’s comments. There is how to pray and when and where to pray. Paul told the Thessalonians to pray without ceasing. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16) As far as a position to pray in, An anonymous individual commented, “I found one of the best positions to pray in is upside down in the bottom of a well.” While difficult to do, we should pray with the desire and intensity of “Anonymous”.

  5. I just read through these thoughts. Ron and JEC (and of course Jeff), these are excellent thoughts and points. I am blessed by your observations.

  6. I try to do it in the morning, before I eat, together during bible studies, before any big task, at night, while I’m driving, during my readings, alone, hunting, hiking, working on the property, mowing the lawn, laying in bed at all hours awake, I try to have a constant prayer conversation throughout the day. I’m going to start my first prayer like Ron quoted, then after that I’m just going to jump into prayer anytime with ” Well Lord ” , then our conversation.

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