Jude 1: 20a — Dear Friends

Friends silhouetted against the setting sun.

But you, dear friends…

Jude is done writing about the “ungodly.” His letter is short, taking less than three minutes to read the whole thing. After a brief greeting, he jumps into his topic and doesn’t let go. Now, only a few words from the end of his letter, he abruptly stops and changes direction. At this point, he is talking to his brothers and sisters in Christ, those who believe. Those who are part of the Body of Christ.

But you, dear friends…

Who are his friends? These are the people who are called by God. They are loved in God the Father. They are kept for Jesus Christ. They have mercy, peace, and love. They share in salvation through the promise and presence of Jesus in their lives. And, they contend for the faith.

They walk openly among the godly because they are godly.
Because they honor and respect the grace of God they live moral lives.
They confess that Jesus is Lord. Not just a lord, but The Lord.
They trust God’s Word, care for their bodies, submit to authority, honor celestial beings, and admit what they do not understand.
Instead of anger, they exhibit self-control.
Instead of valuing worldly profit, they look for spiritual profit.
Instead of rebelling against God’s authority, they willingly submit.
They feed and serve others in the name of Jesus, turn away from evil desires, and endure hardship without complaint.

Sound familiar? Does this describe the Body of Christ that you know?

Application: Read the entire letter of Jude.

Food for Thought: What do you think about Jude’s description of the ”godly?” Is he being reasonable?

5 Replies to “Jude 1: 20a — Dear Friends”

  1. What do you think about Jude’s description of the ”godly?” Is he being reasonable?

    We are imperfect beings attempting to serve our perfect God. We strive toward these each day, fail and try again. We will reach perfection when Christ does His final work in heaven.
    Until then I seem to spend more time falling down and being picked up than walking.

    1. Ron,
      Thank you for sharing! What you describe is how a baby learns to walk. Jesus said that we must become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven.
      And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18: 3)
      I think that means you are right where Jesus wants you and me and all believers to be.

  2. Ron, I can relate to what you say here. I think the Apostle Paul said it well in Romans 7: 24 – 25a. I also think the godly spend the time repenting and getting back up and walking in faith, as you are doing. The ungodly likely don’t do those things. The godly depend on Christ’s righteousness and the Holy Spirit’s power. The ungodly have no such inclination. The godly are dear friends, because they help each other along in the sanctification process. Hebrews 10: 24 – 25.

    1. Rich,
      You are spot on! In this life we are bound to the old flesh even as the Spirit makes us new again. At the same time we must continue to look out for each other with encouragement and support. Well said!

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