Jude 1: 23a — Rescue

Two men operate a firehose against a background of hot flame.

…save others by snatching them from the fire…

James is offering us some parting words of wisdom and encouragement. By building yourself up in faith and praying in the Holy Spirit we remain strongly bound to God’s love. Then he tells us to be merciful to those who doubt. Today he adds, “… save others by snatching them from the fire…”

What fire?

In verse 7 Jude writes that Sodom and Gomorrah “… serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.” Ouch! That sounds unpleasant!

How do you save someone from that kind of fate? How do you snatch them away?

The connotation is that of a fireman rushing in where others fear to tread! With flames burning all around, beams falling from the ceiling, and the floor giving away, he pulls the person trapped inside to safety.

This kind of love is a very high-risk type of love. It involves running into the burning fire of someone’s life and snatching them away from making bad choices. The risk is that you are drawn close to the flames, and secondly that the person you are trying to save might not want to be saved. If someone doesn’t want to be saved, they might lash out at you, drag you down and try and pull you into the fire with them.

(By the way, Jesus won’t let that happen! – See John 10:29)

Why would someone take that kind of risk?

In John 15:13 Jesus says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

We do it for love. We do it because we are loved.

Application: Look around you and see if there is anyone who needs to be ”snatched” from the fire.

Food for Thought: What do you think Jude means by ”snatching them from the fire?”

8 Replies to “Jude 1: 23a — Rescue”

  1. I think for snatching them from the fires of hell eternally. I struggle with this concept because I see several of my”friends” that don’t act like or profess they believe in Jesus… But I usually don’t say anything because it’s seen by many as socially unacceptable, but now that I have the visual of myself as a firefighter rescuing people from the depths of hell makes me reconsider my hesitancy and I almost feel guilty that I haven’t tried to rescue more of my friends

    1. Thanks Phill!
      That is a wonderful way of looking at it. It certainly provides an incentive to be more direct in our outreach to others.

  2. Never miss the opportunity to save one last soul before we are gone.

  3. What do you think Jude means by ”snatching them from the fire?”

    Basically take our eyes, thoughts, concerns off of ourselves and focus on the ministry God has placed before us.
    Could mean to share Christs love and saving grace with a homeless street person He has brought to you, or speak with a brother regarding a sin he is starting to get involved with.

    1. Ron,
      You make a great point. I think Satan’s most effective technique is to tempt us away from looking to God by getting us to focus on ourselves. We can only look one direction at a time and to focus on ourselves is to focus on the problem instead of the solution. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus and His cross 24/7/365. If that is what we are looking at, that is what we will be talking about.

  4. These are all great comments. Thank you all! When someone goes from belonging to Satan’s kingdom to worshipping the true King they have been rescued by the fire indeed. Father, please use us to snatch many from the fire to worship You and experience salvation and life in Your presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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