At the end of Jude’s letter is a one-word sentence: Amen. This word is both unique and ubiquitous. Like so many words in Christian traditions “Amen” has assumed a familiarity that leads one to take it for granted. Yet we shouldn’t. There is much to know about this simple word.
Originally a Hebrew word, âman, our modern English version sounds very similar. The word seems to have the power of an oath. The intent in the Hebrew language was to affirm, support, or hold true. The Greek “amen” is often translated to mean, “So be it.” A very similar application of the word. The word can also mean to support, as a mother supports her child.
The last two verses of Jude’s letter have been a tribute to God, a doxology. It is beautifully written in a way that praises God and at the same time assures that believer.
To him who is able to keep you from stumbling
And to present you before his glorious presence
Without fault and with great joy
to the only God
our Savior
be glory, majesty, power and authority,
through Jesus Christ our Lord
before all ages
now and forevermore!
So be it. Surely and truly it is so. Most assuredly. May it be so. Believe it. It has been verified.
Application: When you say the word, “Amen,” imagine yourself making an affirmation of truth before the highest judge in the land.
Food for Thought: How would Jude’s doxology be different without the Amen?
Mostly wouldn’t know if we heard all that was to be said.
Amen … now go forward and do what you have been commissioned to do!
Thank you, Feather!
I love your take on this. 🙂
The time for talking is done. Let’s roll!
Agree Feather, Amen means “it is so” or “so it be.” In some churches you will hear a loud Amen as affirmation of what the preacher has said, most often Amen closes the message.
Thanks, Ron.
Maybe we need to offer “Amen!” more often and more loudly.
The amen highlights that the glory, majesty, power and authority in this passage is in the context of a prayer. It reminds me of when Jesus taught us to pray, that we are to pray for God to be seen as holy in us and through us. I think of this in a similar way. May Jesus’ glory, power, majesty and authority be revealed to us and through us. Jesus has all these things. He knows it. We need to see these truths afresh and demonstrate these truths of Jesus to others. Amen. So be it.
Exactly! It is an opportunity for us to affirm what already is.
And I for one love amens in the service! I appreciate that comment from Feather and Ron.